Thank you for signing up for the Good Boundaries & Goodbyes Book Study

Welcome to the BraveHearts community! We're so excited to gather via Zoom for our 12-week book study on healthy boundaries. If you have questions or need to change your group time please get in touch with us at [email protected].

Check Your Email

You'll receive 2 emails from BraveHearts University. The first email (new students only) will include your username and password to login. The second email will confirm the course you've registered for. Can't find the email? Check your spam/promotions folder.

To Get Started:

1. Find the email from BraveHearts University

2. Login using the username & password provided

3. Click on the course card labeled "Good Boundaries & Goodbyes Book Study."




Looking for Community?

Get to know the other women in the BraveHearts community! Feel free to join our private network called The Braveful Society. InsideThe Braveful Society you'll get exclusive access to the Book Study group. Here you can discover resources for healing after betrayal. 

Join the Community

The Braveful Society is a an online community for women who've been betrayed and who are walking alongside each other on the road from recovery to redemption.


Join the Community