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Welcome to the BraveHearts community. You have several options to get you started. You can login to BraveHearts University and start watching one of the hundreds of video-based Daily Disciplines™ for Sexual Integrity, or register for one or more Men's D3 Groups. If you run into problems accessing your resources you can email us at [email protected].
Check Your Email
You'll receive 2 emails from BraveHearts, the first email (new BHU students only) will include your username and password to login. The second email will confirm the course you've registered for.
Can't find your email? Be sure to check your spam/promotions folder.
To Get Started:
1. Find the email from BraveHearts University
2. Login using the username & password provided
3. Click on Daily Disciplines in your Course Library
Join a Group
Looking for a community of men who understand what you're going through? Our Daily Disciplines™ Discussion (D3) Groups are an excellent way to find authentic community and accountability.
To Find a Group:
1. Login to BraveHearts University
2. Library > Men's D3 Group
3. Find a Group > Register
Accountability Call List
The Accountability Call List includes men from our D3 Groups who want to travel the road from recovery to redemption with other men who also want to be held accountable.
To Join:
1. Login to BraveHearts University
2. Click "Men's D3 Group" course
3. Click on "Accountability Call List"